Saturday, November 8, 2008

7 Random Facts

Here's how to play:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
1- I refuse to drink after other people, I don't think this is a weird thing about myself but it has been commented on enough that I realize that others think I'm weird for this....
2- When I was younger I would play the guitar along with the music on my seatbelt..
3- I like to eat chocolate toast... It's kinda like cinnamon toast but instead of cinnamon and sugar, use nesquik.
4- I'm kinda OCD about things being in the right place, and yet I still fail to pick up after myself most times...
5- I have the best roommate in the world... except when she makes posts and sends emails from my acct telling people how awesome I think she is..
6- I have a serious addiction to coke... I must have it daily, or I'm not very nice to be around, and I start to miss it after a while of not having it...
7- I secretly wish I was a famous singer... don't tell anyone, b/c I'm deathly afraid to sing in front of people..
I tag: Tim
by: brandie
ps.. really nice Leesa, how bout I post a funny story about you ???? :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So it's Leesa here and I have a funny story about Brandie!!! :)
So tonight I asked her to stop by Jack in the box and get me a salad. She reluctantly did so for me :) However in the process she forgot that she had put her purse in the trunk while she worked out. So there she is sitting in the drive thru at Jack In the Box and the girl had to turn off her car, get out of her car, and then open the trunk to get the purse to pay for the food.
I always laugh at those people...So sorry Brandie but I am totally laughing at you right now!!!!

Lesson for everyone:
Always make sure you have your wallet/purse inside the car before entering any kind of drive thru!!


p.s it sucks that obama won!